Help plan a fact finding trip

Explore possible relocation spots

Provide a listing agent for your current home

Purchase or rent a new home in a new location

Get out of Illinois understands the challenges, questions, and difficult decisions that always arise in the process.

Email us or give us a call, and we’ll be glad to help in any way we can.

Relocations are becoming the “new norm” these days as our society becomes increasingly mobile.

This is especially true for residents of Illinois, who for a myriad of reasons are fleeing the state in ever increasing numbers. Whether you are moving for professional reasons, financial reasons, or just the plain old reason that you’re fed up with Illinois, it’s essential to develop a relocation plan ahead of time.

Plan an exploratory trip.

Put together a list of a few possible relocation spots. Meet with local schools if time permits. Spend a few days familiarizing yourself with a relocation spot so that you can further research that area from afar.

Research the new area.

How much will you save by relocation?  If you’re relocating from Illinois, chances are you’ll save a ton in property taxes alone.  If you’re a retiree, research the tax ramifications that may come along with a relocation. In many cases, you’ll find a significant tax advantage by moving out of Illinois.

Start planning your move.

Things may begin to move quickly at this point; in today’s real estate market, you may find you sell your home quicker than you anticipated.  Regardless of which situation you face, you will find yourself soon needing to make a final decision, either on a location, a job opportunity, or an offer on your home.   Once you make the move out of Illinois, we can assure you you’ll never regret it.

Relocation Tip Videos

**Our wonderful referral partners to help you list your home in Illinois**


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Get out of Illinois was started by Jeff and Angela Kirsch. After living in the Chicagoland area all of their lives, they moved out of Illinois in 2013. They started this grassroots campaign to help people with relocation advice, support, and real estate services. Jeff and Angela live just outside Charlotte, North Carolina with their 2 young children. Jeff Kirsch is in the medical industry and Angela is a successful realtor in the Charlotte area. They enjoy low taxes, great schools, and better quality of life and want to help others do the same.